Monday, January 20, 2014

Tri-City Mecial Center Carlsbad Marathon

Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Marathon…..26.2: Check.

Saturday, January 18, 2014 (Pre-race day)

Drove down to Carlsbad with my friend Trina who was doing the half marathon while I was going to be running the full marathon. We stopped at the race expo first. Race expos are one of my favorite things about signing up for a race. I wasn't that thrilled with the vendors this year. There seems to be a trend of an increasing number of recovery drinks or energy bars that seem to fill the expo tent. I miss the race gear. The skirts, the shorts the cute socks. WHERE DID YOU GO??? I race with a belt on to hold my phone. I wanted just a fuel belt with no pockets for the phone. I circled the place three times, maybe four. I found one person who had one on display but it looked used. Then I settled on one with a pocket for $20. Oh well…I bought it. Then on our way out, I spotted a table that had 2 fuel belts and they were only $11. AHHHHHH!!!  I just stuck with the one I bought. At least it will get used.

We checked into our hotel and my sister met us there and surprised us with hanging pictures all over our room with pictures of Ryan Goseling with "HEY GIRL" sayings. They were so funny.

Hey Girl, Let's spread out all your running magazines and catalogs on the bed and spend the whole night circling everything you want.

Hey Girl, c'mere. I'll ice your knee.

Hey Girl, that fuel belt makes your butt look fantastic.

Hey Girl, you make compression gear look like a little black dress.

Hey Girl, let me massage your feet while I listen you your mile splits.

Hey Girl, I love the way the musty smell of your wet off road shoes greets me on the porch. It lets me know you got home from your run safely.

Hey Girl, who said eleven minute miles isn't running?

Hey Girl, Sorry I'm tired. I was up late writing love notes on the back of your bib.

Dinner…OLIVE GARDEN, of course. 5 cheese ziti alforno and all you can eat salad and bread sticks. Heck yeah, count me in.

I usually have rituals that I do the night before. I take a bath. I scrub my face. I paint my fingers and toe nails. I drink tea and I just relax. Well, I pretty much only got my fingers painted because I was going over race stuff with my sister and friend. I felt rushed and it was getting late….too late. I ended up drinking my tea right before bed. I just hope this doesn't mess with my mojo.

Sunday, January 19, 2014 (Race day)

I don't sleep well away from home….especially the night before a race. I had to be up by 4:30 to catch the 5am shuttle to the start line. My race started at 6:15. I woke up every hour and at 3:30 and 4 the baby next door was crying. SO I decided just to get up at 4. I had two friends in the room that didn't have to leave when I left so I got all my stuff and hung out in the bathroom. At least it was a big bathroom. I have been so excited about doing this race. When I woke up, I was a little panicked. Can I do this? Can I run 26.2 miles? Fear set in. Once I started getting ready though, that feeling went away and excitement returned. I have my sister and my friend meeting me at different mile markers along the way to cheer me on. I will be fine.

I took the shuttle over and ended up talking to another female runner until the race started. That was nice because usually I'm alone and keep to myself. It made the hour go by fast.

I realized that I forgot my chap stick. CRAP. I need that. Oh wait. I did put a little thing of vasoline in my fuel belt just in case I had chaffing. Thank goodness or I would be screwed! I also forgot my pre race gel cubes that I ALWAYS eat right before a race. This isn't going the way I planned. I will make due though. I'll just eat a GU earlier than planned.

Race started and I'm off. My two goals: Do not stop to walk and I wanted to come in under 4:30. I thought if I kept a 9:45 pace, then I would be alright and could possibly come in at 4:15. I started out at a 9:05 pace and kept a 9:07 pace for about 13 miles. Seeing my sister standing at random mile markers brought a smile to my face. It made me so happy. She had made different signs for each mile she was meeting me at. I saw my friend at 3 of the miles and I just love seeing her there also to support me. At mile marker 12 my sister and my friend were there together and threw a short lived dance party to "Timber" by Pit Bull and Ke$ha. I grabbed some energy bar, danced a few steps and off I went. I felt REALLY good. In fact I felt more like I was jogging and could run faster but I didn't want to potentially have a set back like my first marathon.

There were a lot of hills. WAY more than I expected. I hate hills. You don't understand. I really really hate hills. But as I ran up each one, I thought to myself, I hate hills. I hate them so much but I really kill them. I hall ass up them. I pass almost everyone going up the hill. I"m pretty good at hills. BUT man do I hate hills.  
Miles 13-17 I flew. I kept my pace. I saw my sister and my friend a few more times. More hills. At this point I even say out loud, "Great, another hill." No one finds it funny. Runners seem to lack personality during a race. I like to make light of the horrible things during a race. No one listens or they glare at me. At least I think I'm funny.

I wanted to get passed mile 18 because it was a horrible training run. 18 went great. My next goal, mile 20…my longest training run. Passed 20 with flying colors. Next goal 22….the mile that took me out in my first marathon. I WILL NOT WALK. I WILL NOT HAVE PAIN. 21 came with a vengeance and sucked the life out of my body. It was hard. It was painful. My shins hurt. My feet hurt. My thighs hurt. My shoulder hurt. My knees felt great though! Keep running. Keep running. I made it to 22..the demon mile. It was hard, more hills but I pushed through. I came up to 23, just 3 more miles. This should be easy. It's hard to get that negative voice out of your head. SHUT UP LEGS. SHUT UP HEAD. I can do this. I was in front of the 4:09 pacer. I could slow down and still make my goal. My head said no. If I slow down I'll just be on the course longer. I saw my sister at 23 or 24, I can't remember. I told her it was hard. I'm struggling. She said I'm doing great as she ran along side of me. You have no idea how much that meant to me. It's a little added energy. It's encouragement. It's just what you need when you just think it's TOO hard. Thank you TRACY!

Are you kidding me? MORE hills with 2 miles left. I shout out loud "Great. Just what I wanted another hill." No one laughed. I think every one was in agony. I'm sure they were cussing me out in their head. I kept passing people though. I would pass half marathoners and I want to say….why are you running so slow? I've already ran 21 miles, you have only ran 9. But I know how they feel. 

I get choked up at mile 25. I'm almost done. I have accomplished so much. I choke up at 26…..   .2 miles to go. I usually sprint down the road when I see the finish line. This time I just kept my pace. I couldn't go any further. I got my finish line pose ready to go and the camera man was looking down at his camera. What a disappointment. He couldn't even capture my accomplishment at the finish line. I thought I would cry from emotions welling up inside of me. From accomplishment to being so dang proud of myself. I didn't cry. No one tear. 

This was amazing. What a great experience and great run. I came in at 4:07:23. I accomplished both goals. Despite the miserable last 5 miles, I still want to take on the Walt Disney Dopey Challenge. I think I'm a little crazy. I am so proud of myself. Such a different feeling from my first marathon. I feel so accomplished. So important. I have bragging rights…right? Man this was a great day.

Thank you to my sister, Tracy for pushing me and cheering me on. You mean the world to me and that meant everything to me. Thank you Carlee for being there voluntarily. That just meant so much to me to have my friend WANT to come cheer me on without having to ask for your support. I love both of you.

My awesome sister.
Oh yeah, I did it!
Trina (completed half marathon with a PR)

Time to recover. Take the week off of running and just focus on my fitness classes. Next week I'll start running again. My next half marathon is on the 23rd. I'll be ready.

Friday, January 17, 2014

One day till the Marathon

1 day, 15 hours and 16 minutes…..

That is how long I have until my full marathon.

It is Friday and I leave tomorrow morning for Carlsbad. I went to go see Dr. Mitchell, my sports chiropractor one last time. It's the same routine lately. I check in, get into a room and the technician uses an ultrasound probe on my IT band for about 10 minutes. Then Dr. Mitchell comes in and we chit chat about my race and he applies the Kinesiology Tape. He used to use this horrible tool along my IT band to loosen it up but he felt it today and says it's not tight.


The magical tape.

I don't run long distances (over 8 miles) without the tape now. I bought some at Sprots Chalet and I usually apply it myself now. The very first time I had it applied, it was for the Santa Clarita half marathon. I had it applied Friday (like today) and my race was on Sunday. Here is my dilemma this time. Do I wear this tape for the marathon, or do I take it off and apply it myself. I have these strange ideas that I must stay consistent in everything I do in running to have a good run.

For example. During my 18 mile training run I wore shorts and knee socks. I had the worst run ever. I just felt really really sick. During my 20 mile training run, I wore shorts but regular running socks. I felt great. SO NOW, I'm associating my bad run with knee socks. I will not be wearing knee socks during my marathon now….even though I have worn them for a half marathon and was fine.

Do I jinx myself and wear his tape or mine? UGGGG decisions. BIG decisions. When he applied the tape for the first time, I had my best time. The tape also doesn't match what I'm wearing. ALSO, it's a different tape than the KT brand tape. I just don't know what to do. I know I'm being silly but I can't help it. I guess we all have to be neurotic over something, right?

Time to go pack.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My planned races 2014

Races for 2014....

One of my goals this year is to run a half marathon each month. This month I am doing a full marathon so I will not be running a half marathon but I figure that it counts as two, right?

February 23: Seaside half marathon in Ventura (part of California Race Series)
March 23: Rock n' Roll Dallas half marathon (part of the triple crown)
April 5: Hollywood half marathon
May 10: Santa Barbara Wine Country half marathon
June 14: SoCal Wine Country Womens Trail half marathon in Temecula
July: still up in the air
August 10: Arroyo Creek half marathon in Simi Valley (part of the California Race Series)
September 21: Rock n' Roll Philadelphia (part of the triple crown)
October: OktobeRun in Redwood (part of California Race Series)
November 16: Rock n' Roll Las Vegas (part of the triple crown)
November 27: Los Angeles Turkey Trot 10K
December: 28: San Diego Holiday half marathon (part of the California Race Series)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My races

My races so far.......

Disneyland half marathon, September 6.  Official Time: 2:34:16 (My first half marathon)

Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad half marathon, January 24.  Official Time: 2:33:19
La Jolla half marathon, April 25. Official Time: 2:09:12  
Americas Finest City half marathon, August 15. Official Time: 2:33:12    My time: 2:27:11
(Above 3 completed a Triple Crown)
Indianapolis Monumental half marathon, November 6. Official Time: 2 :26:10
Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad
La Jolla
Americas Finest City (This completed the Triple Crown)
Indiana Monumental (Ran a for the first time with my sister)

Rock n' Roll Pasadena, February 19. Official Time: 1:58:47  
Honda Los Angeles marathon, March 18. Official Time: 5:30:14  My time: 5:08:17
Baker to Vegas Relay, April (Ran leg 10, 5.6 miles)
Rock n' Roll San Diego, June 3. Official Time: 2:22:06  My time: 2:21:07
Rock n' Roll Los Angeles, October 28. Official Time: 2:17:57
Rock n' Roll Pasadena
Honda L.A. marathon (I got a surprise visit from my nephew and brother in law)
Baker to Vegas Relay
Rock n' Roll San Diego (I was really sick this day)

Rock n' Roll Los Angeles

Santa Monica Beach Jam half marathon, March 9. Official Time: 2:14:56
Divas San Francisco half marathon, May 5. Official Time: 2:06:34
Delta Harvest half marathon, September 15. Official Time: 2:12:24
Surf City 10, 10 mile race, October 27. Official Time: 1:37:26
Santa Clarita half marathon, November 3. Official Time: 1:54:00 *PR
Los Angeles Turkey Trot 10k, November 28. Official Time: 51:22
Holly Jolly half marathon, December 15. Official Time: 2:01:39

Santa Monica Jam Blast
Divas San Francisco
Delta Harvest
Surf City 10
Santa Clarita
Turkey Trot Los Angeles
Holly Jolly 

Why yes, I do strike the same pose in all my post race photos. Thank you for noticing.

*My time is just running time. I pause my gps tracker when I use the restroom. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Let's get this started

Let's get this started....

I have been training since September 30th, 3013 for the Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad marathon that is on January 19, 2014. This will be my second full marathon. 

2012 Recap: My first full was in March of 2012, the Honda Los Angeles marathon. I thought I had put in enough training for it (even though I only got up to 15 miles). I even counted calories and weighed my food every single meal, every single day until the marathon. At mile 4, my IT band in my left knee started to hurt. At mile 6 my IT band on my right knee. I knew this wasn't good so early on. I kept running through the pain at the pace I wanted (around 10:30) so I could finish at a 4:30:00 (at least). My sister cheered me on. My friends cheered me on...true motivation. At mile 21, I saw my friends and started crying. I was in such extreme pain but I had to finish. At mile 22, I saw my sister and broke down again. She asked if I wanted her to finish with me. No, I could do this. For the last 4 miles, my body gave up. I tried to run, even one step but my knee kept giving out. I was forced to walk the last 4 miles. It was so beyond pissed. I felt great. I never hit a wall. I took in enough calories. I was running the pace I wanted. Everything was on track...even with the pain. WHY wouldn't my body let me run? I just wanted to run through the finishline. It was disheartening walking past spectators and them yelling, "you can do it." "you are so close". YES. I KNOW BUT I CAN'T RUN!!!! I crossed the finishline with a small limp eventhough it felt as though I just threw myself across the line. I was couldn't even smile. This surely wasn't how I imagined crossing the finishline. I couldn't even be proud of myself for completing a marathon. In my mind, this wasn't a completion. Official clock time was 5:30:14. My clock time (I pause for porto-potty breaks so that I get actual running time) was 5:08:17. I wish I could have been happy but I wasn't. This just means I need to run another full marathon to accomplish my goal of running a full marathon.

Present Day: I am less than 6 days from my marathon. This time around, I stuck to my training schedule and only missed 8 days of training. I also started going to the gym and taking classes for strength training. I did not however change my diet. I didn't even track what I ate. I lost 6 pounds and got a whole lot leaner in 3 months. I even made it to my 20 mile training run. Then I got the stomach flu and was out for a week. At least it was a tapering week. This week, the week before the big race, I have three runs. I have two, three mile runs and a two mile walk. THIS is killing me. I would much rather run longer since I feel like just picking up with 26 miles will just drain me if I run these short distances. Everything I read though says I will be okay and it's needed for the body to recover and heal. UGGGGG. 

Side Note: I also decided I wanted to see what all the hype was about with Kinesiology Tape. I saw a sports chiropractor at the end of October, two days before my Santa Clarita half marathon. He taped up my right knee and sent me off running. I ran a PR two days later and had no pain. No stiffness. This tape was AMAZING. I must now wear it on all my long runs greater than 8 miles...and so I did.

My Goal: My main goal is to finish the full marathon RUNNING the whole thing. My secondary goal is to come in under 4:30:00. With the way I have been training, I think I could easily come in 4:15:00 or faster but I'm giving myself some cushion.

Am I crazy? During this training I told myself and everyone else that this was my last full marathon. The training is just too much. It consumed my it felt like it. Today, I read a blog on Facebook of a girl who did the Disney Dopey Challenge last weekend. This is a weekend long race consisting of Thursday: 5K, Friday: 10K, Saturday: half marathon and Sunday: Full marathon. I ACTUALLY looked into it and thought it might be fun. AM I CRAZY? Let's just see how this full marathon goes okay?!

This is me after the 2012 Honda L.A Marathon. I know I look happy. I'm not, it's all for the camera. I can't wait to post my 2014 Carlsbad Marathon picture.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Who is this girl? all started when I was 30 in 2007 with a Revlon Run/Walk 5k in Los Angeles. After that, I had an interest in running but didn't run my next race until September 2009.

In 2009 I ran my first half marathon. I didn't really train (when I say I really didn't train, I really didn't. I think I ran maybe three times and maybe five miles was my longest run) but knew I could do it. My best friend, Julie and I signed up and ran the Disney half marathon.

In 2010 I wanted to do the San Diego Triple Crown and I ran the Carlsbad half marathon, La Jolla half marathon and the Americas Finest City half marathon to complete my first triple crown. Disaster struck and I injured my knee during the La Jolla half marathon and my IT (illiotibial) band was on fire. Despite my painful knee, I continued to run. To finish off 2010, I flew to Indiana and ran the Indianapolis Monumental half marathon with my sister. It was the first time I had ran with my sister and it was so great to cross the finish line with her. My knee was so painful that I decided to take a break from running in 2011 to go through physical therapy and to let me knee heal.

In 2012 I was in full stride again.This year I wanted to complete a triple crown and run my first marathon. I started out the year not so great. In January, I  was signed up for the Carlsbad half marathon and the morning of the race my appendix decided it was going to become inflamed and it kept me in the hospital well past the start of the race. I did in fact make up for it. I ran a triple crown in the Rock N Roll race series (Pasadena, San Diego and L.A) and in March I ran my first full marathon in the L.A Marathon. I ended 2012 with my first sprint triathlon, the San Dimas Turkey Trot.

In 2013 I had no real goals, just to run and throw in a couple sprint triathlons. I ran the Santa Monica Beach Jam half marathon, Divas half marathon, Delta Harvest half marathon, Surf City 10 miler, Santa Clarita half marathon (PR), Los Angeles 10k Turkey Trot and the Holly Jolly half marathon.I completed two sprint triathlons (Castaic and Hansen Dam). I also started training in October for my second full marathon in January 2014.

....and so 2014 starts with new goals and a running blog to track my accomplishments. #1:  I am going to run my second full marathon on January 19th in the Carlsbad marathon. #2: I am going to run twelve half marathons in twelve months. In those twelve runs, I am going to run a triple crown with my sister (Rock N Roll Dallas, Philadelphia and Las Vegas) and also complete the California race series runs (4 races for a special medal). And so my journey begins........