Friday, January 17, 2014

One day till the Marathon

1 day, 15 hours and 16 minutes…..

That is how long I have until my full marathon.

It is Friday and I leave tomorrow morning for Carlsbad. I went to go see Dr. Mitchell, my sports chiropractor one last time. It's the same routine lately. I check in, get into a room and the technician uses an ultrasound probe on my IT band for about 10 minutes. Then Dr. Mitchell comes in and we chit chat about my race and he applies the Kinesiology Tape. He used to use this horrible tool along my IT band to loosen it up but he felt it today and says it's not tight.


The magical tape.

I don't run long distances (over 8 miles) without the tape now. I bought some at Sprots Chalet and I usually apply it myself now. The very first time I had it applied, it was for the Santa Clarita half marathon. I had it applied Friday (like today) and my race was on Sunday. Here is my dilemma this time. Do I wear this tape for the marathon, or do I take it off and apply it myself. I have these strange ideas that I must stay consistent in everything I do in running to have a good run.

For example. During my 18 mile training run I wore shorts and knee socks. I had the worst run ever. I just felt really really sick. During my 20 mile training run, I wore shorts but regular running socks. I felt great. SO NOW, I'm associating my bad run with knee socks. I will not be wearing knee socks during my marathon now….even though I have worn them for a half marathon and was fine.

Do I jinx myself and wear his tape or mine? UGGGG decisions. BIG decisions. When he applied the tape for the first time, I had my best time. The tape also doesn't match what I'm wearing. ALSO, it's a different tape than the KT brand tape. I just don't know what to do. I know I'm being silly but I can't help it. I guess we all have to be neurotic over something, right?

Time to go pack.

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