Monday, January 13, 2014

Let's get this started

Let's get this started....

I have been training since September 30th, 3013 for the Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad marathon that is on January 19, 2014. This will be my second full marathon. 

2012 Recap: My first full was in March of 2012, the Honda Los Angeles marathon. I thought I had put in enough training for it (even though I only got up to 15 miles). I even counted calories and weighed my food every single meal, every single day until the marathon. At mile 4, my IT band in my left knee started to hurt. At mile 6 my IT band on my right knee. I knew this wasn't good so early on. I kept running through the pain at the pace I wanted (around 10:30) so I could finish at a 4:30:00 (at least). My sister cheered me on. My friends cheered me on...true motivation. At mile 21, I saw my friends and started crying. I was in such extreme pain but I had to finish. At mile 22, I saw my sister and broke down again. She asked if I wanted her to finish with me. No, I could do this. For the last 4 miles, my body gave up. I tried to run, even one step but my knee kept giving out. I was forced to walk the last 4 miles. It was so beyond pissed. I felt great. I never hit a wall. I took in enough calories. I was running the pace I wanted. Everything was on track...even with the pain. WHY wouldn't my body let me run? I just wanted to run through the finishline. It was disheartening walking past spectators and them yelling, "you can do it." "you are so close". YES. I KNOW BUT I CAN'T RUN!!!! I crossed the finishline with a small limp eventhough it felt as though I just threw myself across the line. I was couldn't even smile. This surely wasn't how I imagined crossing the finishline. I couldn't even be proud of myself for completing a marathon. In my mind, this wasn't a completion. Official clock time was 5:30:14. My clock time (I pause for porto-potty breaks so that I get actual running time) was 5:08:17. I wish I could have been happy but I wasn't. This just means I need to run another full marathon to accomplish my goal of running a full marathon.

Present Day: I am less than 6 days from my marathon. This time around, I stuck to my training schedule and only missed 8 days of training. I also started going to the gym and taking classes for strength training. I did not however change my diet. I didn't even track what I ate. I lost 6 pounds and got a whole lot leaner in 3 months. I even made it to my 20 mile training run. Then I got the stomach flu and was out for a week. At least it was a tapering week. This week, the week before the big race, I have three runs. I have two, three mile runs and a two mile walk. THIS is killing me. I would much rather run longer since I feel like just picking up with 26 miles will just drain me if I run these short distances. Everything I read though says I will be okay and it's needed for the body to recover and heal. UGGGGG. 

Side Note: I also decided I wanted to see what all the hype was about with Kinesiology Tape. I saw a sports chiropractor at the end of October, two days before my Santa Clarita half marathon. He taped up my right knee and sent me off running. I ran a PR two days later and had no pain. No stiffness. This tape was AMAZING. I must now wear it on all my long runs greater than 8 miles...and so I did.

My Goal: My main goal is to finish the full marathon RUNNING the whole thing. My secondary goal is to come in under 4:30:00. With the way I have been training, I think I could easily come in 4:15:00 or faster but I'm giving myself some cushion.

Am I crazy? During this training I told myself and everyone else that this was my last full marathon. The training is just too much. It consumed my it felt like it. Today, I read a blog on Facebook of a girl who did the Disney Dopey Challenge last weekend. This is a weekend long race consisting of Thursday: 5K, Friday: 10K, Saturday: half marathon and Sunday: Full marathon. I ACTUALLY looked into it and thought it might be fun. AM I CRAZY? Let's just see how this full marathon goes okay?!

This is me after the 2012 Honda L.A Marathon. I know I look happy. I'm not, it's all for the camera. I can't wait to post my 2014 Carlsbad Marathon picture.


  1. Hi, just stumbled across your blog via Facebook. First of all, congratulations on finishing all your races and for going for the full again! I am currently in training for my first full in April, and like you I have a goal time in my head beyond "just finishing". However, I have a motto I have been repeating over and over as I train for this race: Celebrate finish lines, not finish times." Good luck to you, can't wait to hear all about your race!

  2. Thank you for checking my blog out. Good luck during your marathon. It's really mostly mental. I"m so excited to run this one. Carlasbad was my second half marathon and it turns out that it's my second full marathon too. :)
